and I'm feeling good

Welcome, folks, to Light of a New Day. This blog project was started back in 2010 by Jake and Sydnee. Over the years, several others have left their mark, by contributing articles, their time, and love for Christ. The blog has went through some dry spells, because - let's face it - we all have moments where posting happy thoughts isn't quite possible. For Jake and Syd both, someone shot the bird dead out of the sky. Unfortunately for them, that bird was a phoenix - and baby, it's back. What you can expect are posts. Maybe not regular, and maybe not all of them will be happy. This phoenix is an honest phoenix, life isn't perfect - and people need to stop acting and teaching like it is. This is Light of a New Day. a REAL day. If you have any thoughts or comments, would like to drop us a contribution, or would like to join our team - drop me a line at

God Bless,
Attractive Narrator Voice

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Daily Update, April 8th, 11

So I'll start this post out by sharing with you something my good friend Kayla wrote:

What are you doing for Lent? Increasing your prayer life, giving up something (sweets, soda, Facebook)? Most of these things are done to better ourselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually. But what about bettering ourselves through helping others? When hearing "What it Means to be Loved" by Mark Schultz, I began to think . . . Why don't I ever make a Lenten resolution to help others, to show someone love? Even if it's just a friendly smile, opening a door, holding the elevator, giving a hug, or lending an ear . . . I think a new Lenten resolution may be at hand: to let Christ's love shine through this Lenten season by showing someone "what it means to be loved."

I think this is an absolutely wonderful bit of words, I myself was motivated this year to do something unconventional for Lent. Think outside the box, my friends :)

Also, my buddies over at "Catholic Stuff Podcast" have a new one up, give it a listen! CSUSK Podcast

And now we can do a devotion
Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’” – Matthew 4:8-10

We know from our own experiences, and from the Bible, in such important places as the Garden of Eden, that Satan, he's a tricky tricky bugger. First off, can he make good on his promise? I doubt it. Besides, when we have God, why do we need to sell our soul when we will get so much more from an eternity in heaven that we EVER could in hell. Your time in this world is infinitely short compared to what comes after and for always. Remember that! And have FAITH!

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