and I'm feeling good

Welcome, folks, to Light of a New Day. This blog project was started back in 2010 by Jake and Sydnee. Over the years, several others have left their mark, by contributing articles, their time, and love for Christ. The blog has went through some dry spells, because - let's face it - we all have moments where posting happy thoughts isn't quite possible. For Jake and Syd both, someone shot the bird dead out of the sky. Unfortunately for them, that bird was a phoenix - and baby, it's back. What you can expect are posts. Maybe not regular, and maybe not all of them will be happy. This phoenix is an honest phoenix, life isn't perfect - and people need to stop acting and teaching like it is. This is Light of a New Day. a REAL day. If you have any thoughts or comments, would like to drop us a contribution, or would like to join our team - drop me a line at

God Bless,
Attractive Narrator Voice

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Daily Devotion, August 11th 10

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. – Matthew 6:34

Who doesn't worry about tomorrow? Everyone does, but it IS something we need to be dutifully working on. Heck, I have an application on my phone called 'todo tomorrow.' Earlier on in Matthew 6, Jesus assures his disciples that God knows their every need (need, people, not want) - If he feeds the birds and the animals, will he not feed us too? Constant worry about what tomorrow brings is basically us saying to God: "we don't trust that you have our best interest in mind, your not going to take care of us." This is not true. Today is the best time to re-evaluate your priorities, not tomorrow. 

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